In 2021, Cheeba’s Creations LLC was created to combine my biggest passions; art and helping others. Art is film, television, writing, painting, music, nature, and more. I grew up captivated by it all but spent most of my time drawing, sketching, and painting. Art was never just a hobby for me but a way to cope in life. I spent most of my days suffering from frequent anxiety in elementary school, which led to severe depression. At fourteen, I attempted suicide in my first year of high school and was admitted to an inpatient facility. I learned that Anxiety Disorder and Clinical Depression are treatable conditions and can easily be managed with the right coping skills. Unfortunately, my choice to cope using art soon evolved into substance abuse. At sixteen, I began drinking alcohol, a seemingly innocent act at the time. Soon, my downward slide into addiction felt like it happened overnight. Alcohol ultimately turned to “club drugs,” and I was addicted to prescription medications by the end of my high school years.
After trying their patience one too many times, my parents kicked me out at eighteen. I had no intention to improve because I was free to make any choice I pleased. And for the next four years, I worked hard to create a mile-long list of bad decisions. My worst decision was at 20 when I began using heroin and methamphetamines. I became an entirely different person with different priorities and zero aspirations. The only constant in the near-decade of pain I felt was my love for art. I never stopped drawing, it was always my safe space, and miraculously, it helped pull me out of the deadly path I was on.
After four years free from heroin and methamphetamines, I finally felt I had the strength to help others by sharing my story. As a lifetime artist and long-time mental health advocate, I gathered my lifetime collection of doodles, canvases, and paintings and decided to share them with the world.
My mission is to demonstrate the importance of mental health and the benefits that art has in treating mental disorders. Cheeba’s Creations LLC is not just about appreciating visual art. It represents the community that art creates and the benefits it provides to lead a happy life.
My goal is to expand Cheeba’s Creations LLC into a safe space to share stories and learn important lessons. With helpful resources from various non-profits and educational organizations, I aim to advertise the necessity of mental healthcare and rehabilitation.
Sadly, people struggling with mental disorders lacking proper care surround us everywhere. Fortunately, art surrounds us as well. I believe that as a community, we can end the stigma of discussing mental health, provide crucial rehabilitation to individuals, and create beautiful art to change lives.